Saturday, March 19, 2011

March = the longest month of my life

March is proving to be as busy as we anticipated it would be, but we're hanging in there. I could bore you with stories of how much time we're spending at school and the lack of sleep and all the other less than pleasant things about this crazy month, but instead I'll share some pictures and stories of things that have been good this month.

The highlight of the month for us was that we bought kayaks!! We've been wanting them since last spring and have been looking at them and pricing them. Last weekend we saw them on sale at LLBean so we finally decided to take the plunge and buy them! We're very excited and can't wait to use them! In honor of our new, exciting purchases, we decided to drive out to Lougee Pond and see how long it would be before we could kayak there. As you can see from this photo, I think it will still be a little while! Maybe by April vacation...

The event that has been consuming my life for the last few months was our Swing Into Spring jazz concert that we hosted at school on St. Patrick's Day. It was an incredibly huge amount of work and I am beyond happy that it is over. Luckily all the hard work paid off and it was a successful concert. My jazz band played at intermission and they sounded great! Thanks to my friend Amanda over at Sevin Sweetness for taking some great photos!

We're looking forward to the end of March, but we still have a busy week to get through first. I'll be very thankful to be sitting on our couch next Sunday, knowing that we've survived!

Vacation... the reality

Our February didn't quite turn out how we would have liked... I ended up working at school every day, getting ready for our big Swing Into Spring concert. It was tough and didn't feel very relaxing at all, but we did manage to get away for one day and actually have a sliver of time off. We drove to the coast - I needed to see the water! We had a lovely day in York - lunch at the York Harbor Inn and walking on the beach at Long Sands, followed by a stop at the Le Creuset outlet in Kittery (I got a super fun batter bowl!).

It was nice to get away, even for only one day, and we're looking forward to actually having a vacation in April!