Saturday, December 31, 2011

Celtics vs Pistons

Last night we went to the Celtics home opener at the Garden and it was great! Its the second game we've been to and we loved every minute of it. The Celtics won by 11 points and it was a fun game to watch. I was worried that our tickets were way up in the nose=bleed section, but they were fabulous! We had a great view (I'm not sure there is really a bad view in there at all) and we brought the binoculars so we were able to see whatever we wanted.

We're hoping to make it to at least one more game this season. They obviously play well when we're there, so they need us. ;)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Looking Forward

I thought about doing a post about all we'd done in 2011 and while I love looking back on the year we've had (celebrating our first anniversary, wonderful trips to Maine, kayaking adventures, a good year at school), I decided instead to look forward to what we're anticipating in 2012. So here's what we're looking forward to in the year ahead:

:: A puppy!! We've put a deposit on a lab puppy with a breeder in Epsom and are eagerly waiting for our puppy to arrive in the spring. We've put in a request for a yellow male, but we're also open to whatever puppy is best for us. The mama dog is being bred this spring and we can't wait for word that the puppies are on their way. We've been dreaming of a dog for a while and are definitely ready to expand our family.

:: A new apartment. The possibility of a puppy means its time to find a new place to live (we can't have a dog in our current apartment). We'd love to find something on the first floor so I can have my piano (and so it will be easy to take the puppy out) and we'd ideally like to stay in Concord, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that we'll find something great when we start looking in the spring.

:: "Our" land. We are desperately in love with a tiny piece of land on Georges Pond and are trying to save money to make it a reality for us. Anyone want to loan us $10,000 for a down payment?? Did you know you have to put down 20-35% when you buy land? Crazy!! We met with a real estate agent and looked at the land when we were in Maine for our anniversary in October and have been dreaming about our land ever since then. We spent most of October talking with mortgage brokers and banks and basically finding out that we can't proceed with anything until we have $10,000. So, we're saving and crossing our fingers that the land will still be for sale when we finally have the money to make an offer.

:: Celebrations. Two of my best friends turn 40 this year and I'm looking forward to celebrating with them both. Sarah's 40th birthday "Girls Weekend" will be in Boston in May and Michelle Upstairs, Karisti and I are planning to meet in Vegas in July to celebrate Karisti's 40th.

:: Traveling. We've going to spend April vacation in Nova Scotia with Rick and Cindi and we can't wait! It should be a fun road trip and we're really looking forward to it. And hopefully we'll make it to Berlin in 2013, but that will be part of next year's post... :)

Happy New Year my dear friends! Sending you wishes for a wonderful 2012!

Monday, December 5, 2011


I've been quite the blog slacker lately, so here's a little update of what we've been up to...

... School, of course. November was a blur and I truly don't know where the month went. Now we're in the thick of getting ready for the Winter Concert on Dec. 15th. I'm also guest conducting the New England Wind Symphony at the Capitol Center for the Arts on Dec. 18th and Bob is recording the concert, so we're both looking forward to that.

... I started my new gig as organist at the United Church of Warner this past Sunday and it went really well. My choir is 12 people with an average age of about 75, but they are sweet and exited to have me there. Its nice to be playing regularly again, and the extra money is nice!

... Dreaming of the new addition to our family. No, not a baby (never!!), but a puppy! We've decided we're ready to get a puppy, so now we're just waiting until our current lease is up in May so we can move to a new apartment where we're allowed to have a dog. Sarah helped us find a wonderful labrador breeder and we're looking forward to picking out our lab puppy in the spring! We can't wait!!!!

That about sums up the last few weeks. We did spend a day at the coast a few weekends ago and it was great to be at the ocean (see post below). And we're planning on spending a night in Boston over Christmas vacation, but otherwise we're staying close to home for a while. Time to save some money and just hibernate. :)

Sunny Sunday at the beach

The day we went to the beach was incredibly beautiful - mild, sunny and just perfect. And there were really big waves!! We drove along the strip at Hampton and walked on the beach for a while. It was great!

How many pictures do we have of us like this? We've perfected the self-portrait.

We also went to Short Sands and walked on the beach for a bit. We stayed at the Union Bluff Hotel for the first night of our honeymoon, so it was fun to see a bride and her bridesmaids having their photos taken out in front of it. She was lucky to have perfect weather for her wedding - it reminded us of how perfect the weather was on our wedding day too.