Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We've had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I didn't take nearly enough pictures to document the weekend (I was too busy enjoying it!), but here is one that I took last night at Hedding.

Our weekend started out with a low-key Friday night and Saturday at home, which is always much needed after a long week at school. Then Saturday night we went to Sarah and Reg's hosue for a cookout with them, Lisa, and Victoria. Reg fired up (literally - he uses a blow torch to start it) the bonfire and we had a wonderful evening of good friends, food, and conversation. We made s'mores, which always make me very happy, and Bob and Reg broke out their guitars and played as the night progressed. It was a perfect night!

Our original plan for the weekend had been to go to Hedding and we finally made it there on Sunday afternoon. I'll admit that I was a little concerned Bob might not like Hedding and find it as charming as I do, but lucky for me, he loved it! He was a happy man - a nice getaway, plus he got to have lobster last night. We're already counting down the days until we can go back to Hedding - its just so nice to get away and relax.

Now Bob is napping and I'm getting ready to go to school for the Memorial Day parade. Back to reality...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Engagement Photos

Our wedding photographer took engagement photos for us this past weekend and we had a really good time. Neither of us love getting our picture taken, so it was good for us to practice for the big day. Jane, our photographer, is great and we enjoyed working with her. We did the photos out at Hedding, which was a great backdrop.

Here is the link if you'd like to look at our favorite pictures from the shoot:

Sunday, May 9, 2010


We chaperoned the prom last night and actually had a really good time. It was fun to see the kids all dressed up and they were all pretty excited that we were chaperoning together. In fact, when it came time for the first dance of the night, to our surprise we heard the DJ announce our names. One of our students had told the DJ that we were getting married and had requested that we dance the first dance of the night. It was actually really sweet. The kids were cheering for us and taking our pictures while we were dancing to "At Last". The DJ had the kids join us halfway through the dance and when it was over, a bunch of kids congratulated us and asked to see my ring. It was very cute. We're glad the kids are so excited for us and it was sweet of them to recognize us like that at the prom.