Saturday, November 20, 2010

10 Things... Saturday

This week had some very, very rough moments and felt incredibly long, so I thought it would be good to force myself to do a Top 10 list and remind myself of what was good this week. So here is my Top 10 List of things I'm thankful for this week:

1. The peanut butter blossom cookies I made last night. They are my favorite cookies, but I don't usually make them until Christmas. I felt like baking when I got home last night and they were calling to me. They taste so good!!

2. Friday night home with my husband. I was at school three nights this week, so by the time Friday rolled around it felt so good to be home and not have to go back out again.

3. Two great band rehearsals. At the end of class on Tuesday, at least 3 kids came up to me and told me how fun and the rehearsal had been. We got a ton of work done and had a great time doing it!

4. Seeing my friend Christin today at All State auditions. She is the choral teacher at Newport High School and I miss having such a wonderful colleague. It was so nice to see her!

5. My phone date with Karisti. We hadn't had a chance to talk since she was here for the wedding, so it was nice to finally catch up.

6. Ordering our wedding photos and album. I can't wait for them to arrive!!!

7. Watching Food Network and looking forward to all the yummy food at Thanksgiving.

8. My amazing husband who takes good care of me and reminds me that I'm safe and loved. I am a lucky girl.

Okay, I didn't quite come up with 10 things, but trust me, a list of 8 good things from this week is a big accomplishment. I'm glad this week is over and I'm looking forward to only one day of school this week (I'm taking some students to a band festival on Monday and Wednesday is a workshop day, so I only have school on Tuesday), then a few days off.

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