Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Times

We spent this afternoon with the Phelps family and had a wonderful time. Nathan, Jennifer and the girls are visiting from NY and we got to meet their newest addition, Maddie. She is gorgeous and I loved snuggling her all afternoon. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and she fixed them on Bob the minute she woke up - he was a goner from that moment on!

Amanda, Damien and their kids were there as well and it was fun to see the cousins together. Here are the girls in their matching dresses - so cute! Evelyn, Nathan and Jennifer's oldest, is such a funny kid. She was going around the table at lunch naming everyone - Grandpa... Nana... Mommy... Daddy... Michelle... Man I don't know... She had never met Bob before and it was pretty hilarious to hear her refer to him that way! Too funny!!!

It was a great afternoon and so nice to see everyone. Amanda, Nathan and I have been friends forever and I love that our friendships are still so strong. And it is always wonderful to see Howard and Judi - they were my second parents growing up and I love them!

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