Monday, July 25, 2011

A Midsummer "Afternoon's" Dream

My dear friend Becky was Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream at Prescott Park in Portsmouth and Sean, Victoria, Lisa, Bob and I went to see her on Sunday afternoon. It was a perfect day - a nice cool sea breeze and we found seats in the shade. We packed a lovely picnic lunch, including Victoria's yummy margaritas, and we had a lovely afternoon. I haven't been to a show in Prescott Park since I was a kid and my parents and the Phelps would bring all of us kids to shows - we would camp out and run around the park until the play started.

Becky truly stole the show. Her Helena was hilarious and she was just amazing! I got to hear her running her lines while we were at Wanakee last week, but I had no idea she would be so funny. We were super impressed!

I've never seen A Midsummer Night's Dream live and I really loved it. The actors were great and I love how they used physical comedy to move the storyline along.

The best part of a show at Prescott Park is that you can enjoy ocean views from the pier during intermission. It was so nice!!

Friday, July 22, 2011


I spent a wonderful week at Wanakee directing Footnotes. This is always the best week of my year and this year was no exception. In honor of Wanakee's 50th anniversary, we did a "greatest hits" compilation of music from the last 15 years of Footnotes. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a great week.

Beautiful sunset at the Wanakee chapel

Conducting the Footnotes concert

Saturday, July 2, 2011

4th of July Weekend at Hedding

Bob and I spent a wonderful long weekend at Hedding. We grilled nearly every meal (except one night where we had a super yummy meal at Zampa) and read tons of books. It was perfect!

I rode my bike twice a day for the whole time we were at Hedding. It was so nice!! I love riding at Hedding - there aren't as many cars and there is a great development right across the street from the entrance of Hedding which makes for a nice loop.

Sarah and Reg were at Hedding for the weekend as well and they asked us to watch the dogs for a few hours on Sunday afternoon. We were more than happy to oblige!! Bentley wasn't so sure about being left at our cottage. He spent most of the time looking out the window, hoping his parents would come down the road. We tried to reassure him that they were coming back and he was fine, but he was definitely happy to see them when they returned!

Bob adores the dogs and was very happy to pretend we were dog owners for a few hours. We're desperate to have a dog of our own as soon as possible, so it is lovely of Sarah and Reg to share their dogs with us and let us love on them.