Monday, June 25, 2012

Downton Abbey

The perfect way to spend a rainy summer afternoon - puppy sleeping at our feet, cozy on the couch, watching Downton Abbey.  I'm a few steps behind the Downton Abbey craze - everyone else I know has been hooked for a while, but I haven't had a chance to watch them until now.  Needless to say, I absolutely love the show.  And Bob is hooked too.  It is so well written and acted, and Maggie Smith is truly incredible.  The lines she has, and the way she delivers them, cracks me up every time.  She is amazing!

Tucker Update

Sleeping right up against the fan

:: Our boy is 11 weeks old and is growing like a weed.  I think he has gotten taller and filled out quite a lot in the week we've had him.

:: His personality is coming out more and more.  He can be naughty and definitely has a lot of energy at certain times in the day, but he is truly a good boy.  He plays hard, then sleeps even harder.

:: He's gotten used to his crate, both at night and if we have to leave him during the day.  He's sleeping in a small crate in our bedroom and both he and we like having him in there with us.  He calms down much more quickly when he is near us and he is only getting up once in the night at this point.  Of course, he is usually up before 6:00 every morning, but we're getting used to being tired all the time!

:: He's hit some great milestones this week:

  • He can get up the outside stairs by himself (when he wants to and when he doesn't get distracted by trying to eat rocks on the stairs) which is very nice for us since it means we don't have to carry him up all the time.
  • He is starting to give us a heads up that he needs to go outside.  And today is the first day he hasn't had an accident in the house, so we're pretty pleased with that!
  • He seems to like to ride in the car - he lays on the floor of the backseat and usually goes to sleep
  • He's becoming more independent in the house - he likes to go in the other room by himself and take a nap, especially on the cool kitchen floor when its really hot.

:: Bob and I are both a bit shell-shocked by puppy parenthood and all it demands, but we are madly in love with Tucker and can't imagine our life without him.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tucker meets Bentley

Sarah came over to meet Tucker on Saturday afternoon and she brought Bentley with her. Bentley is the sweetest and gentlest of her three labs and we knew he would be fine with meeting Tucker. Bentley was very patient with the small puppy running around him and seemed to tolerate him just fine.  Now its time for Tucker to meet Annabelle and Jake!

My smiling boy

Serious face

Action shot - poor Bentley

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mirror, mirror

Someone discovered himself in the mirror this afternoon... It entertained him for at least 10 minutes and we laughed at him the entire time.  He's so much work and we're exhausted, but he is truly the cutest, funniest thing we've ever seen and we love him so much.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Tucker Currier Duncan Jaques
He's here and we love him!!  Tucker is settling in well and seems to like us.  He is a good boy and is doing well with house training.  He isn't a fan of his crate yet, but he had never been in one before yesterday, so it was a bit of a shock to him.  Hopefully that will get better every night and he'll end up looking at his crate as a safe place.  Puppy parenthood is hard work, but we're madly in love with our boy and are so happy to finally have him!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lougee Pond

We made our first trip of the year out to Lougee Pond this past Saturday. I sometimes think that we like to go out there just to be sure its still there and still beautiful. And it always is!

I love that both Bob and I have these places that are so special to us. For me, its Georges Pond and I am so glad that Bob fell in love with it as well. And for Bob it is definitely Lougee Pond, which I fell in love with too.

A perfect iris on the edge of the pond - a little reminder of Jean who loved irises

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The end of April into the beginning of May was a time of celebration and I attended some great parties!

On the last Saturday of April, I went down to Newton, MA to celebrate my wonderful friend Karen and the impending birth of her daughter.  It was so fun to see Karen's friends from all the different parts and times of her life and I was proud to be there, along with Rosemary, Kelly, and Corrie, to represent her years in Berlin.  And just a month later Karen gave birth to beautiful Maeve Audrey, who I can't wait to meet!
The Berlin Girls

The first weekend in May was spent in Boston, celebrating Sarah's 40th birthday!  She had requested a Girls Weekend in the city, so that is what she got.  We took a Duck Boat tour, had drinks at the Top of the Hub, went out for German food and beer, and ended the night at a piano bar with live music.  We had a great time!!

The Wanakee Girls

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nova Scotia

The day after we moved to our new apartment, we left for a six day trip to Nova Scotia with Bob's brother Rick and his wife Cindi.  It felt a little crazy to leave all the boxes in our new place with basically nothing unpacked and take off, but it actually worked out well.  It gave us a chance to relax before we came back to all the unpacking and we had a wonderful trip.

We spent the first two days in Bar Harbor with every intention of showing Rick and Cindi all our favorite spots, but it torrential rained the entire time we were there.  We still managed to have fun, but there are no pictures to show for it since we could barely see in front of us due to the fog and rain.

We drove all the way up to Nova Scotia and it was a lot of driving, but definitely worth it.  We spent time in Halifax, Yarmouth, and many smaller towns in between.  Here are some of my favorite photos:

Downtown Halifax
At Peggy's Cove Lighthouse

Beautiful fishing village at Peggy's Cove
Sunset in Yarmouth
Lighthouse outside Yarmouth
St. Bernard Cathedral - we were driving along this little road and came across this amazing church!

Friday, June 8, 2012

The first of many overdue blog posts

My poor neglected blog... This spring/start of summer has been incredibly busy and I haven't felt a ton of motivation to blog, but each time I look at my blog lately I start to compose posts in my head, so I'm taking that as a sign that its time to get back into the swing of blogging. And here I am! I don't want to spend a ton of time catching up on the past four months, but there are a few things of note that are worth a few sentences and a picture or two.

We made a big change and moved into a new apartment at the end of April. It was sad to leave our old apartment - a lot of important things happened to us there. It was where Bob proposed to me and where we came home to after our honeymoon and started our married life together. We fell in love in that apartment and we definitely felt sentimental as we were leaving. But it was time to move on and we're excited to continue our life together in our new place. It is a beautiful apartment and we are so happy here! We have tons of space, including a three season (probably actually four season, but winter might be chilly) porch, an enormous kitchen, and a full basement where Bob has set up his studio. Its truly the perfect space for us and we love it! There is also a huge yard, which leads to our most exciting news...

WE'RE GETTING A PUPPY!!!! Our big motivation for moving, besides the fact that we wanted more space and to not be on the second floor, was to find a place where we could have a dog. The minute we got our new place, we set out to find a puppy. We found a breeder in Raymond who had a male black lab puppy who would be available June 16, which fit perfectly into our summer schedule. We really wanted to get a puppy right at the beginning of the summer so we could be home with him and train him throughout the summer, so the timing for this puppy was perfect! We got to visit the litter a few weeks ago and found out that this little guy was going to be our puppy. Meet Tucker Currier Duncan Jaques!

Stayed tuned for lots more pictures of Tucker and stories of our adventures with the newest member of our family!