Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine

I don't have a recent picture of us that I love, so instead here is one of my favorite pictures from our wedding. My valentine was very romantic this year... it started out with the Josh Ritter concert we went to on Friday night in Boston. A few months ago, Josh Ritter put an announcement on his website that he was taking dedications that might end up being read his Valentine's weekend concert. I noticed it and actually thought of doing it for Bob, but then figured the chances of it actually getting read at the concert were pretty slim. Fast forward to Friday night when we were sitting at the House of Blues, listening to a great concert. Josh Ritter started doing the dedications - he was pulling them out of a hat and reading them off. Bob turned to me and told me that he had done one for me! He was worried it might not get read, but he promised he would tell me what it said if we didn't hear it. Josh Ritter read through maybe 10-12 messages, then continued playing, but Bob's message wasn't one of the them. Then about an hour later he read some more and... he read Bob's message!! We were both so excited when we heard "To my wife Michelle from Bob..."! It was a very sweet message about how I have Bob's heart and life in my hands and he loves me so much. We were so busy kissing and being excited that we almost missed Josh Ritter's reaction to Bob's message. He thought it was so sweet that he had the whole audience applaud for it!! It was pretty amazing! And my Valentine surprises continued with pink roses delivered to me at school today!! I am a very lucky girl to be married to such an amazing man. Thank you for a wonderful Valentines Day my love!!

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