Saturday, February 26, 2011

Vacation, Finally

We made it! We are finally on vacation!!! The last few weeks at school have been absolutely hellish - very busy and filled with lots of stress and an overwhelming amount of work. I've been counting down the days until vacation and it is finally here! Plus we had a snow day on Friday, so we got an extra day of vacation! I know everyone else is annoyed with the snow days and doesn't want to be in school all summer, but I desperately needed the snow day - I'm very thankful for every one this year.

Bob and I are looking forward to a week of relaxing. For the first time since we've been together, we're not traveling during our vacation. March is insanely busy for both of us at school, so we really need to rest up to be ready for it. Once we get back to school, we won't have a free second, let alone a free day or evening, until April. So we're spending some quality time at home - taking naps, watching movies, cooking, and just not being at work. I need to go into school for a couple of days this week, plus my band is playing at the boys basketball game on Tuesday night, so I have to go in for that, but I'm hoping to get all of my school work done at the beginning of the week so we can enjoy the rest of the week.

Hooray for vacation week - we're so glad you finally are here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle,
    We are on vacation too, finally! The weather has been perfect- cold and rainy. We are doing our "spring" cleaning, grading papers, cooking and playing with the cats. Hopefully some quilt work is in the near future.
    Enjoy your week. Hopefully we can meet up with you and Bob "one of these days".
