Sunday, August 21, 2011

Old Home Day

Bob and I spent today at Old Home Day in Wilmot Center with my grandparents. My Papa grew up in South Danbury, NH and South Danbury celebrates Old Home Day with Wilmot, the town next to it. I've always loved going to Old Home Day - it is like stepping back in time... people bring lawn chairs and picnics and sit on the lawn of the church, listening to the Kearsarge Town Band play and catching up with other members of the community. It is always a small but dedicated group of "old timers" and I'm often the youngest one in the crowd. I love listening to the stories and watching my grandparents reminisce with people they've known since they were children.

My Papa was born in 1928 and my Mimi was born in 1929 and they lived in the South Danbury area until a few years after my mother was born. Both sets of my great grandparents remained in the Danbury/Salisbury area (in the big old farmhouses they had raised my grandparents in) until their deaths in the 1980s. Our family history is firmly ingrained in this place and I feel a very strong pull to this area. Papa has a wonderful memory and Bob and I spent this afternoon listening to his stories and having him explain who was related to who and where they lived and how everyone was connected. I have always loved family history and I could listen to Papa tell me these stories forever. I feel very lucky to spend this time with my grandparents and for them to share with me the places that they love.

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