Sunday, November 6, 2011

A beautiful November Sunday

The weather was perfect today, so we decided to take a drive and go to the coast. I hung out with Sarah last night and she was baking bread in her bread maker, which got me thinking about how much I would love a bread maker. She said she saves tons of money on bread and she is able to make super healthy bread with no preservatives. So I also wanted to hit the outlets and see if we could find a bread maker. Lucky for us, we found the exact one I wanted, and got it for 10% off!

Bob has wanted to go to Bob's Clam Hut since we saw it months ago on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, but it was always super packed when we drove past it this summer. Today was not nearly as bad, so we were finally able to stop. Bob got his lobster stew and I had a veggie burger, so we were both happy. And we got to sit outside in the sunshine, which was perfect!

After Kittery, we headed to Odiorne State Park in Rye and walked around for a while. the weather was truly perfect, so we walked around a bit, then sat on the rocks for a while and watched the lobster boats go by.

It was a perfect day! I love sunny, warm fall days in November!

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