Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Perfect Day, Part Two

The second part of our perfect day actually started on Friday morning when I received the following email (if you click on the picture, you'll be able to see the whole thing clearly):

I'll admit that I didn't believe it was true at first. I spent all of Friday afternoon checking to make sure that this woman who emailed me actually worked for the Celtics. I, of course, emailed her back and told her I would take the tickets and I heard back from her saying that the tickets would be left at the Will Call window at the Garden.

Bob and I drove down to Boston on Saturday afternoon, hoping that we wouldn't be disappointed when we arrived. We walked up to the Will Call window and... there were tickets left in my name!

We spent the entire night in shock that we were actually in the Garden, watching the Celtics. We had great seats, as you can see.

And it was an incredible game! The Celtics were playing the Heat and they came into this game down 2 games in the series. The energy in the Garden was great and the Celtics played an amazing game. Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce were on fire, Shaq played for over 8 minutes, and we watched Rajon Rondo come back from a dislocated elbow and play the end of the game with incredible grit and heart.

It was an amazing night and we felt so lucky to be at the game. I've always wanted to see the Celtics live and Bob and I have watched nearly every game this season, always saying how much we would love to see them. I entered the sweepstakes on a whim and I'm still shocked I actually one. It was so surreal to be at the game, but a night we'll never forget.

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