Monday, October 17, 2011

Anniversary Trip

Bob and I spent a wonderful Columbus Day weekend at Hancock Point to celebrate our anniversary. The weather was perfect and we loved every minute of being up there. Heather and Don Parker were so generous to give us their home at the Point for the weekend and it was beautiful!

This beautiful beach is right across the street from the Parkers house and we went hunting for sea glass every day. The views are beautiful and we happily poked around the beach, collecting treasures.

On Saturday we finally went to Schoodic Point. We spent some time at Schoodic this summer, but I never took Bob to the actual point. It was much quieter this weekend than it would have been in the summer and we climbed over the rocks and sat and watched the water and the fishing boats. So beautiful!

On Sunday we took the mail boat out of Northeast Harbor to the Cranberry Islands. It was warm and sunny and we loved it!

We took this our last morning at the Point. We sat on the stairs (it was high tide) and just enjoyed this little piece of heaven. We're so lucky to be able to spend time at Hancock Point and are so thankful to the Parkers for sharing this amazing place with us.

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