Sunday, October 23, 2011

You must check out this album...

I'm not in the habit of giving music recommendations on my blog (with the exception of my undying love of Josh Ritter) but this album is amazing and you should really check it out. Three of the band members are friends (and former students) of mine, including Jim Rudolf. The album is incredibly well done and the songs are beautiful. I'm so proud of the guys, especially Jim, and I love that they are getting such a great response and positive reviews about the album. They are even listed in the most recent issue of NH Magazine as one of 12 artists who aren't household names yet, but who they think should be. I've known Jim since my very first summer at Wanakee in 1996 and I'm lucky enough to still call him my friend. Its been wonderful watching him grow as a person and as a musician and I love that he, and Tan Vampires, are on the verge of what looks like a big break.

Check out their first video, shot in Portsmouth:

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