Saturday, January 15, 2011


Bob and I don't usually watch very many movies (we've only watched a handful in the whole time we've been together), but we saw two great movies lately.

We went to the Red River Theater during Christmas vacation and saw The Kings Speech. We were both blown away by this movie and thought it was so good. Colin Firth is one of my favorite actors (Mr. Darcy = swoon!) and he was incredible! We liked it so much that we are even considering going to see it again in the theater - we can't wait until it comes out on DVD!

We watched The Social Network tonight and really liked it as well. I know there have been complaints about the dramatization of the movie, but I've read some articles about the founders of Facebook, so it was interesting to see the way the movie portrayed them. The actor who played Mark Zuckerberg was really good and I even thought Justin Timberlake was good!

We're curious to watch the Oscars and other awards shows and see how these movies do. I've seen some articles that say it will be between these two movies for the big wins. I'm definitely rooting for Colin Firth and The Kings Speech, but it will be neat to see how The Social Network does too. I'm glad we saw both of them - they are the only movies nominated for anything that we've actually seen this year!

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