Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years in Bar Harbor

We spent three days over New Years in Bar Harbor and it was wonderful! It was a bit of a spur of the moment trip (as spur of the moment as a planner like me can do!) - I mentioned to Bob a couple of weeks ago that we should go to Bar Harbor for New Years and he quickly agreed. We stayed at the Atlantic Oceanside Hotel, the only hotel open during the winter. Can you believe that - only one hotel open in the entire town in the winter??? Its beautiful up there - I don't understand why everyone isn't going there in the winter too!

We had a very relaxing few days and didn't feel like we had to be "tourists" at all. We went to breakfast at a place in Southwest Harbor we had found when we were there in February and saw this gorgeous view on our drive there.

We also drove through Somesville and saw the iconic bridge that has been photographed a million times. I thought it was really beautiful with the wreath and the snow. It is truly a perfect photo opportunity.

We also stopped at Eagle Lake and took a couple of pictures. It was REALLY BRIGHT, hence the squinting.

Most of our time in Bar Harbor was spent looking at this - the view from our hotel room. We happily read, watched tv, and just relaxed. It was perfect! We went out for dinner on New Years Eve, but we were back in our room by 8pm. We had a little champagne and were asleep by 11:30pm.

It was a perfect few days away and I'm so glad we did it. It was hard to come back, knowing that we have to go back to school, but we absolutely love Bar Harbor and we were happy to be there even just for 3 days. We've now seen Bar Harbor in February, April, August, October, and January - not too bad for one year!!

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