Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dave Brubeck!!

Bob and I had the amazing opportunity to see Dave Brubeck perform with the Boston Pops last night. It was incredible!!! We are both huge Brubeck fans - Bob says that the songs from Take Five were his lullabies since his dad played the album so often during his childhood.

Dave Brubeck was one of the first things we connected about when we were getting to know each other and a couple of days before our first date we spent an afternoon in the library at school talking about Dave Brubeck and his albums. When I saw that he was playing with the Pops, I knew we had to go.

The concert was amazing and I'm so glad we were able to experience it together. It was incredible to hear and see Brubeck play - he is 90 years old this year. A true living legend!

I took some great video that I'll upload later...

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