Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Weekend At Hedding

Bob and I were lucky enough to spend a wonderful, relaxing weekend at Hedding. Actually, it was more of an extended weekend - we arrived on Saturday and just got home today (Wednesday). We both decided it was the perfect way to start summer vacation - getting away made it actually feel like vacation instead of just staying at home. And we are very lucky to have Hedding to go to, so thanks to Mom for sharing it with us.

We had a good balance of chilling on the front porch and going out and doing things. We spent a great day in York, walking on the beach, buying saltwater taffy, checking out the area where Bob lived when he was a kid, and... booking a hotel room for the first night of our honeymoon! I forgot to take a picture of the hotel, but here is a link to the website: Union Bluff Hotel

Overall, it was a perfect couple of days. We grilled (ok, Bob grilled and I ate the yummy results), read books and magazines, took walks, made plans for renovations we want to do at Hedding, and just had some lovely time to ourselves. It was hard to come back home today, but we're already looking forward to when we can go back to Hedding and spend more time there.

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