Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend in Corinth

Bob and I finished up our first week of summer vacation with a trip to Maine. Our primary reason for going up was to help Mom pack up the house in Corinth and be there for her last Sunday, but we also got in a trip to Bar Harbor, which is never a bad thing.

It was a bit surreal to be in Corinth and to say goodbye to that place. I lived there for 3 of the most difficult months of my life (not difficult solely because I was living there, but because of a myriad of circumstances beyond my control), but I also have wonderful memories of the people in Mom's church who were so good to me and who cared so much about Mom and me.

Spending Saturday on Mount Desert Island was wonderful and a very good distraction for Mom. We are lucky to have a place that brings us so much joy. And Bob definitely belongs in our family - he loves it too! We took him to the top of Cadillac Mountain and enjoyed the beautiful views. And he had his first taste of the amazing pizza at Rosalie's in Bar Harbor. We also went to Northeast Harbor (Mom's favorite place on the island) and sat on the pier and watched the world go by. It was a perfect day!

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